
Equipment for sample preparation

Pulverisette 6 (FRITSCH, Germany) – the ball grinding-mill for a preparation of powder samples (salts, soil, ceramics, minerals) for WD-XRF and XRD measurements. Volume of tungsten carbide bowl 80 ml, 5 balls of tungsten carbide;
TP-20 (Herzog, Germany) Hydraulic press for the formation powder samples in the form of tablet (Ø37, Ø20 and Ø10 mm);
Eagon 2 (Panalytical, Netherlands, 2011) – fully automated fusion furnace for fused bead sample preparation (Ø27 mm) for fluorescent x-ray spectrometer Axios mAX;
Tegramin-25 (Stuers, Denmark) – fully automated system for sample preparation by surface polishing;
Secotom-15 (Stuers, Denmark) – high-performance tabletop cut-off machine that can be used for the cutting of an extremely wide range of materials.